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Online Assignments

Typically, economics principles textbooks come along with online platforms, such as MyEconLab or Aplia, specifically designed to support students learning. The majority allow instructors to use individual online assignments to test students' learning. The effectiveness of online platforms and online assignments was tested in the literature, but there is no clear consensus as results go from negative to positive depending on studies. (Emerson and Mencken, 2011Flannery et al., 2013; Galizzi, 2010Hernández-Julián and Peters, 2012​; Kennelly et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2010Maclean and McKeown, 2011Nguyen & Trimarchi, 2010).


Online platforms such as Aplia, not only allow individual assignments, it also provides the opportunity for group assignments. Miles and Latif (2018) investigated whether group assignments are more effective than individual assignments but found no significant difference.





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