Case Studies
Case Studies are largely used in other fields, such as management and law, but are not very common in economics instruction. The use of case studies in economics is pertinent to provide stronger real-world grounds for the theory we present to students. Marks and Rukstad (1996), Ray (2018), Velenchik (1995), and Volpe (2015) describe how case studies can be used in economics teaching. Carlson and Schodt (1995) report positive impacts on students' engagement and learning.
Below is a list of case studies that you can use with your students in the classroom.
Decision-Making under Uncertainty
Market for CBD Food Products - Stevens and Pahl (2021)
Food Security
Food Desert Syndrome - Ray (2018)
Market Power
Dairy Industry - Bolotova (2023)
Peanut Industry - Bolotova (2024)
Potato Industry - Bolotova (2021)
American Airlines and US Airways - Sipic and Carbaugh (2014)
United Airlines and Continental Airlines - Carbaugh and Ghosh (2010)
Staples and Office Depot - Carbaugh and Sipic (2017)
Broiler Chicken and Pork Industries - Bolotova (2022)
Supply and Demand Shocks
Beef Food Supply Chain under Pandemic Conditions - Melo, Peña-Lévano, and Luengo (2022)
Airport Noise Pollution - Ray (2018)