Books and Texts
Davis (2015) advocates for increased use of creative arts in the teaching of economics as:
It is a more memorable experience for a student,
It engages students, especially otherwise disinterested ones, and
It facilitates economic literacy.
General Literature
Comprehensive reading list of literary texts with excerpts and commentary relating it to economics
Bohanon & Vachris (2012); Watts & Smith (1989); Watts (2003)
Historical Novels
Discusses the use of historical novels to teach economics
Considine (2006); Cotti & Johnson (2012)
The Great Books
Readings, discussions, written assignments, and exams relating the Great Books to introductory economic concepts
American Novels
Describes the use of a series of American novels to teach labor market economics
Short stories
Readings, discussions, written assignments, and exams relating modern short stories to introductory economic concepts
Children's books
Readings and discussions relating Dr. Seuss books/passages, Harry Potter and Wizard of Oz to economic concepts
Podemska-Mikluch & Deyo (2014)
Comic Books
Reading comic books related to economic concepts
O'Roark (2017)
O'Roark & Grant (2018)
Haiku poetry
Writing and reading haiku related to economic concepts
Readings, discussions, written assignments, and exams relating The Merchant of Venice to monetary economics
General art
Viewings and discussions relating visual art themes to introductory economic concepts