This website catalogs the most useful and current contributions in Economics Education literature. It is particularly helpful as a ‘go-to’ reference for economics instructors. Both instructors and students can benefit from this site which displays and shares the work of instructors who have developed effective teaching methods.
You will find the references and the links to a large variety of published pedagogical articles explicitly discussing economics instruction methods. They explain the implementation of tested teaching methods and how they benefit students. My hope is that you will find methods to complement your teaching style and enhance the learning experience of your students.
The economics instructor’s toolbox was described as "an excellent overview of the development of pedagogies across economics" in a 2022 inomics article.
This project began as an article published in the International Review of Economics Education that received the International Review of Economics Education Best Paper Award for 2020. However, it has been adapted into a website to ensure the content and resources remain up to date and relevant. A note presenting this website was published in the Journal of Economic Education.
Please feel free to contact me for any comments or suggestions you may have, additional information, or resources you would like to access.
Julien Picault, Ph.D.
Professor of Teaching, Economics
UBC Okanagan